Archive for chris davey

My Friend Paul

Posted in Memoir, Prose with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 9, 2012 by sethdellinger

My homeslice Paul and I just had a public tiff on my blog.  Which sucks, because there aren’t many people in this life more important to me than Paul is, so I thought maybe I’d write a blog about our friendship.  Although it should be noted that we do have a nice history of being little bitches to each other and arguing about stupid shit, but that was mostly over a decade ago, while we were cooking together at the same restaurant, probably sleep-deprived and hung-over, but still.  We fight.

I’m sure I knew who Paul was before he knew who I was.  Why?  Because he played football for my high school.  He was a year ahead of me, and we weren’t within light years of each other’s social groups.  I wasn’t extremely aware of him, but I was aware of him.  Years later, I’d frequently have dreams that I’d been transported back to high school (with all of my intervening memories and experiences intact) and I’d seek out Paul, who, when I found him, had also been transported with his memory intact.  And so there we were, in high school, finally knowing each other.  They were weird dreams.

In the months following high school, I became a regular at the restaurant Paul worked at.  I frequented it late at night with my friend Jeremy and his girlfriend Cory (who I would later coup d-etat away from him); Jeremy had known Paul in high school, so Paul would come visit our table.  I remember being suspicious, because Jeremy had been the star of the soccer team, and here was this Paul guy, also an athlete.  And Cory, although she didn’t attend our high school, was the captain of her cheerleading squad.  I suspected I might soon find myself on the outside.  I know you’ve all seen pictures of me in wrestling or baseball uniforms, but I assure you, I was no athlete.

Fate is a fickle broad.  Before I knew what was happening, suddenly, I worked at that restaurant, too, and before long, I was a cook there, too, and before long, I was working overnights in the kitchen with Paul, too.  And (long story short here) we ended up going to the same college and being roommates and having the same group of college friends.  Paul and I had quite rapidly become insperable, the kind of friends that when you show up somewhere alone, people always ask you where the other one is;  although how that sort of thing happens is beyond me.  All these years later, it just seems natural that Paul and I are hetero-lifemates, but back then, it didn’t seem so simple.  Paul and I are quite different men (as good friends often are).  We share some simliar interests, but actually have more differences than similarities.  And not just the surface items like, he’s into sports and I’m not, or I’m into poetry and he’s not, as these differences are what can make a friendship keep ticking over the years (the male friends I do have whose interests most align with mine, I mostly don’t care for all that much, and I just keep them around because I might need them some day…for what, I have no idea).  But Paul and I’s differences seemed a bit deeper than that to me.  Mostly, he was a good soul and I was a bad one.

Now, he’ll probably want to argue with that, and he certainly could make a case for it.  After all, we were damn young, and drunk and tired pretty much ceaselessly, and in college, and—dare I say it—completely captivating to the opposite gender.  Neither of us were perfect young men.  But in Paul, one could see the seed of a quality adult, and a man who could discern right from wrong (even if he still sometimes chose to ignore that distinction), and how to be honest, and forthright, and helpful.

I, on the other hand, was a total shit.  It was probably obvious fairly early on that, while a whole bunch of us were partying constantly, I was the only one who couldn’t have stopped if I tried.  And no matter what you believe about how much I am to blame for that addiction, the fact is that being a drunk is not often accompanied by positive personality traits.  All those positive traits I listed above for Paul, think of their opposites, and apply them to the me of back then.

But somehow, we fit together.  We picked up some company on the way (“Nature Boy” Chris Davey, Burke “Testudo” Bowen, Heidi “Heidi” Dagen, “Mello” Cory Kelso, “Sultry” Joel Holtry, and quite a few others) and within a year of meeting Paul, I suddenly had a brand new group of friends and a new lifestyle, the old high school chums all-but forgotten.  And this was just in time, of course, for my descent into serious alcoholic oblivion.

There are lots of people to thank for how they handled my alcoholism and for what they did to help me, but as far as my friends go, nobody can really get more credit than Paul, a fact I’ve never really told him (fuck!  I’m crying now!).  Paul never made me feel like I was a bad person because I was unable to stop drinking.  He always seemed to understand that it was like any other addiction; for instance, his own reliance on cigarettes.  Now, he never said that to me, but his actions and the way he treated me suggest he thought that way.  He never told me I needed to stop, or slow down (that might sound reckless to you, but it’s my philosophy that “intevention” methodologies are counteractive.  Making somebody feel like shit never chased an addiction out of their skin, a philosophy my parents also seemed to share, which is another big reason I think I’m alive today);  when I would, on rare occasions, talk to him about my addiction and my fear relating to it (being in the grip of an addiction to a mind-altering substance is absolutely terrifying), he was understanding and helpful, never demeaning or judgmental, but forthright and honest in ways that showed a maturity and understanding that I’m not sure I could master even now, at age 34.

I still remember the day I decided—firmly, absolutely—that I could get sober, and that I would go to rehab and attempt to live the rest of my life and not die ASAP. I was at the apartment of Paul and his girlfriend at the time, Shelley.  I was drinking, but I wasn’t sad, I was just talking to them about being addicted, and how much it sucked.  I’ll never be sure which one of them said it first, but someone said, “Why don’t you just go to rehab?”, and they said it so…normally.  Like it was just something you could do, if you wanted.  Now, obviously the time was right, and there were plenty of other factors and people that contributed to that moment in time, but I said, “OK.  I’m going to!”  And I got the phone book and called a rehab and reserved a bed, that very afternoon, and then called my mom and dad (by then, that was two seperate phone calls) and told them “I’m going to rehab“.  It would be close to a year by the time I celebrated my final sobriety date of April 3rd, but that afternoon in Paul’s apartment stands out as the beginning of the beginning.  And he’s been so beautifully understanding and intuitive in regards to my sobriety.  He was my first friend to order an alcoholic beverage when out to dinner with me;  it was time, I was OK with it, and he just knew.  He knew that at that point I’d prefer him to do what he’d normally do.  It was more important to me that I not feel like the freak.  He was the first friend of mine who seemed to understand that I hadn’t really changed; sure, I had always been known as the guy who drinks all the time, but the core me was the same and now more me than before; the diseased filter had simply been removed.  Many friends felt the need to treat me, for a few years, like a kid who had just barely recovered from Leukemia.  Paul seemed to know that was unnecessary, and just kept treating me like the same guy from before, only without a drink in my hand.

I would love (really, I would) to just keep writing and writing and tell tons of little stories from our lives together.  Paul and I have lots of great stories.  But maybe I’ll just hit some highlights (and maybe there will be more blogs like this in the future…I feel as though I could write a book.  Tonight.  In two hours.  But anyway, the highlights):

—Paul and I share an intense love for two bands: Seven Mary Three and Hey Rosetta!  And these loves mark two distinct eras in our lives: college (7m3) and now (HR).  In an intereting twist, the first TWO times I saw both these bands, it was Paul and I together (along with others).  And these were amazing experiences that have shaped my idea of how concert-going should feel: like you are touching the hand of god.  It rarely is that good, but it is an ideal to strive for.  In many other ways, Paul and I’s musical tastes diverge, but they align where it counts. (hey Paul…the trip to see 7m3 in York…remember D’Marco Farr?  And please always remember, I called the opener in DC (“Peel”), and also, remember that fancy restaurant you picked for us to eat at in Ithaca, NY, the night we saw Hey Rosetta!?  That night was the beginning of my ongoing love affair with the Americano.  But I now drink them iced.)

–The Chair of Good and Evil.  Paul and I found a horrid, ratty, falling-apart recliner by a dumpster when we lived in college.  For reasons unbeknownst to us, we took it into our dorm room.  It really was a horrible chair.  It’s existence to us was more of a joke than anything else.  We wrote all over it in magic marker.  Quotes from movies, things we said all the time, lines from 7m3 songs (“A little motivation goes a long way down, down, down.”)  I somehow got the chair to my dad’s house for a year or two after college, but I’m sure it’s long gone by now.

–Remember that dorm room I mentioned? Yeah, we got kicked out of it.

–“Circus Midgets Ate My Balls”.  That’s all I’m saying about that.

–Movies we watched dozens or even hundreds of times together, even if they weren’t that good:  “Friday”, “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation”, “The Borrowers“, “Mallrats”.

–The first time I visted Paul after I got sober and moved to New Jersey, we played golf and I beat him.  Which is the only time I can remember beating him at anything other than MarioKart.  So I bring it up here again, even 8 years later.  The gloating continues.

–I had the disctinct pleasure of giving the toast at Paul’s wedding to his fantastic wife, Liz.  I have never felt more honored in my life, and that honor continues to this day.

–Paul is a big Baltimore Orioles fan, so for his “bachelor party”, fellow Paul bud “Mello” Cory Kelso and I took him to an Orioles game, making the odd fact true: the last major league baseball game I attended was a Baltimore Orioles game.

–Mr. Turnpike, Nature Boy, and the Wise Guy (Man) in the Back Seat

–Ham on Both Ends

–Aint got me on tape.

I love you, Paul.  You continue to be the model for the type of man I want to be.  Thank you for being part of my life (and helping to save it).

L-R, Paul, Me, Davey (code names: Mr. Turnpike, Wise Guy in the Back Seat, Nature Boy)

Davey, me, and Paul, the first time we ever saw Hey Rosetta!, in Ithaca, NY.

Picture of Paul on the day I beat him at golf. He sucked that day.

Hey Rosetta! weekend, 11/12-11/13, 2010

Posted in Concert/ Events, Photography with tags , , , , , , , , , on November 14, 2010 by sethdellinger

So after raving and annoying everyone for the better part of a year about Hey Rosetta!, I finally saw them twice over the weekend, and boy howdy, it did not disappoint!  I’ll sum everything up lickety-split:  had an awesome time seeing Paul and Davey, saw two great sets of music, met and had conversations with two members of the band (Tim Baker, lead singer and main songwriter, and Romesh Thavanathan, cellist), had those two members sign one of their vinyl albums, spent a relaxing and spiritually fulfilling day on my own leisurely driving from Ithaca to Buffalo then meandering around Buffalo, eating lots of food and taking artsy pictures, then had an even longer conversation with Tim Baker the second night (he came over to me after their set while they were still tearing their equipment down and talked to me from the stage, then asked me to stop by their merchandise booth and talk to him before I left!  Then we had a 5 minute conversation before I left which bordered insanely on “friend-like”.  It was like walking in a dream.  Granted, I’ve only been a fan for a few years, it’s not like this is a major band from my history like Pearl Jam or 7m3, but I don’t think I can deny they’ve vaulted to “favorite band” status, so it was beyond cool!).  So there’s a really quick rundown of the weekend.

There was, I suppose, a minor dissapointment.  Because Hey Rosetta! was opening for a schmaltzy singer-songwriter lady named Sarah Harmer whose fans aren’t really hard rockers, Hey Rosetta! opted to play sort of “Unplugged” sets on this mini-tour.  Parts of this were really cool—the arrangements of these songs like this are actually really, really cool and coupled with the fact that these shows are now very unique in the Hey Rosetta! universe gave these shows a very special and intimate feel (and probably gave Tim Baker much more reason to ask me questions about the show than he normally would have; it was quite clear he wasn’t exactly sure how the whole thing was coming off).  However, I can’t deny that there were parts when I wished I could have jumped around and lost my mind.  A few of these songs are real blood-pumpers and even though the slow, quiet versions were beautiful, I wanted some loudness!  Here is an example of the changes.  This first video is the studio version of one of my favorite songs of their, “I’ve Been Asleep For a Long, Long Time”.  You just have to hear the first 30 seconds or so to get an idea of how it goes:

Now here is video I took at the Buffalo show of the “unplugged” version of the same song.  I have no idea why it’s so damn dark, it wasn’t that dark in person!  Also my damn batteries ran out halfway through the song (did you read that, Mom?) so you don’t get to see the extremely interesting way they end this version.  But still, you can see the extreme difference in the arrangements:

So, you can see it’s a very cool version.  I feel pretty special having seen these versions, but now I just need to see the electric set!  here are the setlists:

Ithaca setlist

1.  17 (new song)
2.  Red Song
3.  Brick (new song)
4.  I’ve Been Asleep for a Long, Long Time
5.  Lions for Scottie
6.  Red Heart
7.  Bandages (new song)

Buffalo setlist

1.  17 (new song)
2.  I’ve Been Asleep For a Long, Long Time
3.  Brick (new song)
4.  Red Song
5.  Lions For Scottie
6.  We Made a Pact
7.  Bandages (new song)

Here is video I took of “Red Song” in Ithaca.  This is not a different version of the song; this is the studio version:

I need to thank my buddies Paul and Davey for making the weekend so special; we’ve agreed to have a similar outing once every 6 months.  It’s good to rekindle things. Anyone else want to rekindle?  Oh and I now have a new codename.  It’s no longer Wise Guy in the Backseat, but M.R. Science.  That’s not mister science, but the letter M and R, like the M.R. Ducks t-shirt.  I dig it.

Anyway, I had a much more artisitic and heartfelt blog entry in mind, but I am just burnt out, so this will have to do.  Here are a bunch of pictures from all phases of the weekend.  (I originally posted about 3 times as many photos but WordPress is being weird.  This will have to suffice; also a few of the captions are acting weird, my apologies.)

Me with Tim Baker at Castaways in Ithaca, NY.

Paul with Tim Paul and Davey at Castaways in Ithaca


First attempt to get a picture of all three of us. My head looks like a peanut.

Success! My head looks like a peanut.

The vinyl that Tim and Romesh signed for me. That's Tim who wrote the sentence.

Hey Rosetta! in Buffalo


“Wrap Your Busy Head in Sound”

Posted in Concert/ Events, Photography with tags , , , , , , on November 14, 2010 by sethdellinger

Here’s some pictures from my big Hey Rosetta! weekend.  It was a totally freakin amazing weekend in lots of ways.  I’ll have a bigger blog about it tomorrow but thought I’d put some pics up now.  *yawn*  I am so totally sleeping 14 hours!


Me with Tim Baker, lead singer!


Oh yeah, I got all artsy when I had time to kill in Buffalo



Found some interestng sights on the drive from Ithaca to Buffalo


First picture of me, Paul, and Davey together at the same time in many years. My head looks like a peanut.

Way too much information about my upcoming Hey Rosetta! concerts.

Posted in Concert/ Events with tags , , , , , , , , , on November 9, 2010 by sethdellinger

I know most of you are probably sick of hearing me blather on about the incredible amazing fantastic band Hey Rosetta!  And it looks like, very soon, I may be able to rein in the salivating.

Barring any unforeseen craziness, (read: snow) I should be seeing the band live TWICE this coming weekend:  Friday in Albion, NY and Saturday in Buffalo, NY.  They’re opening for a singer/ songwriter named Sarah Harmer who I haven’t heard of before and who I still haven’t been able to really familiarize myself with, although most of her music seems to sound like this (click ‘preview track’).  In short–not bad, but not exciting.  Having read her wikipedia page, it seems she may in fact be rather famous in some circles.  I just aint in dem circles.

ANYWAY, the mondo super exciting element of this New York excursion is the fact that the first concert, in Ithaca, will be being attended not only my myself but by two of my longest-held dudefriends, Paul (codename:  Mr. Turnpike) and Davey (codename:  Nature Boy).  It’s been yeeeaaaarrrs since the 3 of us hung out at the same time, and even longer than that since we went on an exciting road trip together (it should be noted that the three of us essentially invented the “exciting road trip”, so this is really like a comeback tour for us.)  Paul and I will be spending Friday night in a hotel in a town close to Ithaca (the town of Painted Post, NY), with Paul leaving early the next morning to head back to PA to play in a championship game in his flag football league (Davey will just be going home Friday after the show, as he lives in upstate NY and Painted Post is the opposite direction from his house.)  While Paul drives home to play in his football game, I’ll be driving to Buffalo, NY, to see Hey Rosetta! a second time on Saturday night, this time by myself!  If this all seems confusing (and you for some reason give a crap) I am prepared to provide you with maps of all three of our movements.

First, on Friday afternoon, I will be driving from Erie to Painted Post, NY, to meet Paul at our hotel.  Here’s what that looks like.

Likewise, Friday afternoon, Paul will leave from central PA to Painted Post, NY, to meet me at the hotel.  At the moment I can’t remember where his work is located, so I’ve got him leaving from Carlisle.   

Around this same time, Nature Boy Christopher Davey will be leaving his home in the city of Oswego, NY and heading to the town the concert is in–Ithaca, NY.  This is Davey’s trip.

After meeting at the hotel, Paul and I will travel together from Painted Post to Ithaca.

Then the three of us are meeting, having dinner, and going to the show, which will look kind of amazing, like this:

Then following said amazingness, Davey will go back to Oswego, while Paul and I head back to Painted Post.  Then in the morning, Paul heads from Painted Post back to Central PA  whereas I (after enjoying having the hotel room to myself for a few hours) will head from Painted Post, NY, to Buffalo, NY.    I’ll probably get there fairly early, so I’ll have some time to futz around, much like I did earlier this year when I saw Ed Kowalczyk there.  Then after the show, it’s back home for me, from Buffalo, NY, to Erie, PA

That might sound overly complicated to you, but I think maybe I’ve just over-explained it.  The point is that I am really, really excited about this trip.  I am more excited to see Hey Rosetta! than I have been to see a band since the first time I saw Pearl Jam in 2000.  Add to that an excursion with two lifelong pals–well, it might be awesome, but it also sounds like the beginning of a movie…

So, barring it turning into “Judgment Night” (and if it meant we got to hang out with Jeremy Piven, I might even be OK with that), it’s gonna be a great two days!!

(for the record, my codename is Wise Guy in the Back Seat OR Wise Man in the Back Seat, depending which one of them you ask.  You can imagine this is the kind of nickname an alcoholic comes by.  Luckily it’s too damn long for anyone to ever really call me it!)

The blog post where I mention everyone I know who already has an existing “tag” on my blog, so I can tag them again and insert a useful or ridiculous link to them.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 23, 2010 by sethdellinger

1.  Oh hi, billhanna.  I see you ‘liked’ goatees on Facebook yesterday.  Our adversarial relationship about facial hair will continue to the grave.  THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!

  2.  Anyone who knows Tasha, check out the link, she just got a radical new haircut!  I love it!

3.  I have quite few friends who are talented musicians—one of them is the great Bootney Lee (real name Ryan Straub).  I double-dare you to click on the link and check his music out.

4.  Guess who I’m going to see next month, as the three of us meet up in central New York for a Hey Rosetta! show???  Well that would be none other than my life-long buddies Paul and Davey!  (he’s Chris Davey, but we call him Davey).  This is going to be exceptional as it’s been a few years since we were together, all 3 of us.  And did I mention it’s a Hey Rosetta show???  I still haven’t seen them live–the shows I was supposed to go to awhile back had to be skipped because life is like that.  I am uber pumped for this!

5.  It has been way too long since I tagged my friend Amanda.  I mean that just like it sounds, too. 

6.  You know who rules?  My mom!  She just quit smoking!!! Raise the roof!

7.  I’m still tickled pink about the Doctor Strange drinking glass that Tony Magni gave me as a going away present when I moved to Erie.  Thanks Tony! 

8.  My friend Denise has a very under-appreciated photo blog.  Click to link to check it out!!!  She’s way talented!

9.  The lovely Sarah P. has just had a baby! Huzzah!  She doesn’t have any sort of online presence so I’ve linked to a picture of Big Ben, which is in England, which is where I met her!

10.  My dad is one cool mofo.  What’s my evidence?  Every single day I become more and more like him, and I am most definitely one cool mofo.  Dad, we are some cool dudes!

11.  I tag Ron all  the damn time, I aint saying anything about him!

12.  Big days for my buddy Burke, who has just started going back to school while also remaining a steadfast David Hasselhoff fan.  Kudos, wanker!

13.  I could probably talk about Mary all day, but I’m pretty sure she’d friend-disown me.  She dislikes scrutiny.

14.  My dear, dear friend Michael (that’s a lady named Michael) sent me the most lovely letter in the mail yesterday.  She sure is a freaking great friend!!  It was quite touching, it brought a tear to my eye.  Everyone should have a friend like Michael!

15.  California buddy Kyle is finally off the unemployment and working at a bank!!! Yay Kyle!  Now:  no more excuses for sneaking into movies, you heathen!

16.  My freaking cool-as-shit sister just got a job working at a law firm!  What what!  Dellingers can do anything!!!  Click the link to read her badass blog!

17.  Also in the world of talented musician friends of mine:  Duane, who records under the name DreamlandNoise.  Click the link for just a small sampling of his superb “space funk”.

18.  What to say about my girl Cory? She recently moved back to central PA, like, RIGHT after I left it.  *frown face*  She’s just the shiznit in every way, and is quite a talented artist.  I’ve linked to some of her art but you might not be able to see it if you’re not FB friends with her.  Which would be your loss.

Erie Journal, 8/16

Posted in Erie Journal with tags , , , on August 17, 2010 by sethdellinger

Thought I’d briefly revisit the old Erie Journal to share a few slight observations:

1.  People in Erie do not introduce themselves on the phone.  Where I come from, you pretty much say who you are in any damn situation when you call someone (the one exception being if you’re calling someone’s cell/ caller ID and you KNOW they have you programmed into their phone and they’ll know it’s you.  But, for instance, if I was calling my father’s landline and he answered, I’d say “hey dad, it’s Seth.”  I do not make people guess).  All of the work-related people who call me while I’m at work just start talking on the phone to me.  It seems rude, no?  Cause it makes me have to guess, at least for the first little while.

2. It thunderstorms EVERY MORNING here.  Almost literally.  Usually around 7am.  It’s uncanny.  And kinda cool.

3.  Riding my bike around town has really gotten me feeling a whole lot more intimately acquainted with the town than I had been.  It’s made me, foremost of course, have a firmer grasp on the layout, but also it’s personality.  For instance, the is a lot of hispanic music being played around dusk, out of living room doors that are propped open.  It’s very nice.

4.  Erieites are very proud of their “world famous sunsets” and you know, really…it’s not bullshit.  Day after day after day, these things are like magic.  Sometimes the sky is unlike anything I’ve ever seen.

5.  The band Train is from here.  I’m not a huge fan (though I don’t hate them, either), but I’m somehow very glad that we’ve at least got SOME famous band outta Erie!  Represent!

6.  Davey’s visited me twice!  That’s badass.  If you know Davey, please urge him to get a Facebook!

Help me settle an argument by voting in this poll.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on July 6, 2010 by sethdellinger