Archive for angst

Monday’s Song: Seven Mary Three, “Oceans of Envy”

Posted in Monday's Song with tags , , , , , on April 11, 2011 by sethdellinger

Oceans of Envy
by Seven Mary Three

I’ve got a photo booth picture
reminding me of something you said to me:
“If everything you want is so far out of reach,
move a little closer to me.”

I held my breath as the water rushed in.
I was drowning in the man I’d never be,
a castaway…but you were there for me.

I did a perfect imitation of someone who’s alive
before I met you.
Now colors seem to have a taste and a temperature
and everything doesn’t seem so far away…
forever seems like it’s never gonna be enough

I held my breath as the water rushed in.
I was falling through a faded memory,
a castaway…but you were there for me.

Audio Poem: “You’re Alone”

Posted in My Poetry with tags , , on February 20, 2011 by sethdellinger

Year written: 2006
Collection:  The Salt Flats

You’re Alone

What do I care if the cable man
came to your house
& called you a whore?
Why should I blink my eyes
(your parents complain too much about
the state of Welfare)
if you have a troubling thought
sweating trembling in your pale-lit

I’m not you
(you wouldn’t even let me brush your hair)