There Are Some Remedies Worse Than the Disease

Wow, what a night with This Will Destroy You! I’d seen them once before, just a few years ago, and the experience was mostly the same, but they had more songs from their most recent album (which are somewhat different from the rest of their canon and add a nice flair to their setlist).  They aren’t a theatrical or energetic live show, but if you are invested in their music, it is very, VERY emotional.  I’ve included tonight’s setlist, every song is a link to the studio version of that song for any people who are interested in this band.  And the concert might seem short, but bear in mind the live versions of some of these songs go past the 15 minute mark:


  1.  The Mighty Rio Grand
  2. Dustism
  3. New Topia
  4. They Move on Tracks of Never-Ending Light
  5. There Are Some Remedies Worse Than the Disease
  6. Serpent Mound
  7. A Three-Legged Work Horse
  8. Black Dunes
  9. Brutalism & The Worship of the Machine
  10. Threads

Encore Break

  1. Glass Realms
  2. Burial on the Presidio Banks
  3. Quiet


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