This is the way I find them

Just added a fantastic postcard to my collection.  The front says it is from Venice, California.  The postmark on the back tells us it was sent in 1913 (if you’re keeping track, that’s over a hundred years ago).  The handwriting makes the name of the recipient debatable, but my opinion is it was the exquisitely named Miss Delia Ivory, who received the postcard in Fresno, California.  The text of the card is short and simple:

Dear D

This is the way I find them at Venice.  I am feeling happy now.  I suppose you can tell by the writing.




One Response to “This is the way I find them”

  1. Kyle Sundgren Says:

    Wow, Clare, for such an interesting ambiguous tale you weaved you sure such an penmanship! Was she falling down a flight of stairs when she was writing this?!?

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