Philly Journal, 6/4/14

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So I had a fairly marvelous day today. One of my favorite days, in fact, in recent memory.  It is finally summer, and I finally had a very nice day off.  I rose early and left the house early, astride my trusty steed (my bike).  My original plan was to explore this, but I got foiled by security guards watching the entrances.  I had planned to make a big exciting video about the experience but was left with only this.  So, barely after 9am and already sweaty and way far from home, I had a whole summer day to find stuff to do.

I ended up doing a whole bunch of stuff, but I was especially taken with my trip around the Schuylkill River Trail.  This is a bike/ pedestrian trail that starts near the Art Museum and stretches in a ten mile loop through what is known as Fairmount Park.  It is a fantastic trip!  I had been aware there was a trail there, but I had never known it was a loop that crosses over the river at two points and allows you to end up where you started.  It was one of the more invigorating, fun, and recuperative things I’ve done since I moved into the city.  So of course, I took some video of it and set it to some music for you.  I understand there are pretty few of you who will actually want to watch this, but if you find yourself truly bored right now, or want to see an area of Philadelphia you may never experience, well, this is for you:




5 Responses to “Philly Journal, 6/4/14”

  1. ShipGurl Says:

    I am glad you shared this, that is definitely the best part of the city I’ve “seen” thus far. The song paired with that video could not have been more perfect, what was it? Very refreshing, thanks Seth!

    • sethdellinger Says:

      I’m so glad you liked it, Kye! If you ever visit, you should bring a bike! I think one of my ACTUAL talents is pairing music with images, I’m glad you liked that, too! The song is “Under the Pressure” by the band The War on Drugs. Despite their somewhat threatening sounding name, that is what all their songs sound like…if you liked that song, you will like that band!

      • ShipGurl Says:

        Yes I should bring a bike! I shall put this on my life “To Do” list! I am going to check out The War on Drugs because if all of their songs are like Under the Pressure, I will definitely like them. You sure do have a talent for pairing music with images, and that may just be the very reason I am so drawn towards your videos you think no one has an interest in! : )

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