Philly Journal, 11/14/13

This afternoon, after a morning of meetings in the city, I picked up the keys to my apartment.  My move-in day isn’t until tomorrow, but I stopped in just to have a look around at my new place for the first time in over two weeks.  Then I came back to Jersey and loaded all my stuff from Mom’s house into a U-Haul, with the help of the bro-in-law, the nephews, Uncle Dale, and, of course, Mom (and sister in spirit, no doubt).  I parked the U-Haul in a neighboring parking lot; we’ll be moving the stuff into the place early tomorrow morning.  Mind you (and I’m somewhat embarrassed by how much stuff I have) this is only half my stuff; the other stuff is at Dad’s house in Newville, which we’ll be moving on Tuesday, so while I’ll be living in the city tomorrow, I will be missing some key stuff, such as most of my furniture.  Anyway, I took some pics of the place today, here they are:

The living room, looking in from the kitchen, toward the front door.

The living room, looking in from the kitchen, toward the front door.



The kitchen, looking in from the living room

The kitchen, looking in from the living room


The stairs, right inside the front door

The stairs, right inside the front door



The small bedroom

The small bedroom



The larger bedroom

The larger bedroom





6 Responses to “Philly Journal, 11/14/13”

  1. Seth, that is just beautiful!

  2. sethdellinger Says:

    Thanks Dad! I like it very much!

    • sethdellinger Says:

      There are a lot of interesting liitle nooks and crannys and angles that I couldn’t really get in the pictures

  3. Kyle Sundgren Says:

    What did I say about unfurnished pictures?!?!?!? And I guess you’re just gonna pee outdoors??? Come on!

    • sethdellinger Says:

      Maybe you haven’t noticed, I never listen to you.

      haha interestingly, I did take a picture of the bathroom, as well as the basement and some hallway pics, but my computer is packed and I’m on my mom’s laptop currently, so I kept the pictures to a minimum.

  4. outdoors? come on, there is a picture of the kitchen sink. great thing about the sink is that it is self-flushing. #1 only.

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