The Love Letter I Got Today

Faithful readers of my blog may remember a short while ago when I came across a very curious letter to a banana at my place of employment.  Well, a similar thing happened to me today.  As I was walking out the door, I glanced at the stand we keep some of our retail merchandise on just to see if it was placed well and looking good.  As I was looking, something underneath one of the travel mugs caught my eye.  It was a small envelope.  I picked it up and tucked it in my pocket.  This is the envelope:


I opened it on the street, eager to see what zaniness I had found this time.  Inside was a card.  The outside of the card looks like this:


This is the inside of the card:


Interesting, right?  You’ll see there is a website on there.  This appears to be part of some kind of movement.  This is the website written inside the card.

7 Responses to “The Love Letter I Got Today”

  1. Kyle Sundgren Says:

    That’s pretty cool. Not a bad idea either. I sincerely hope that whomever wrote that came up with the contents of the letter themselves.

    Do you think the person who wrote it would be just a tad put off if they knew that the person who got the card ended being the manager of the store? All due respect, I bet they would have preferred a customer get it.

    • sethdellinger Says:

      Yeah, I thought about that, but then I thought, fuck that! I’m a person too, dammit! haha. But again, in all seriousness, I bet they wanted it to be a customer. But it was stupid placement. It was sitting halfway underneath one of the travel mugs we have for sale. The chances that an employee would be the first to pick it up were pretty good.

      A quick perusal of the website makes me think they came up with the letter themselves, as the ones featured on the website are all very different.

  2. very interesting

  3. It is such a nice idea. I wonder why no guys have joined the team so far?

    • interesting. one reason may be that men tend to value being respected more than being loved. not that we/they don’t like both, of course.

      • I think that’s true in a respect Cory, but I am more inclined to think the reasons men wouldn’t be on board with a thing like this has more to do with our social mores and expectations…writing “love letters”, especially to strangers, smacks of femininity. I think most men would consider it too effete to take part in. Naturally, I disagree.

  4. This is awesome. I love stuff like this.

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