And the blood rushes

Holy moly I hate winter.  Dogs are OK by me though. I don’t mind dogs.  I also like big swelling musical crescendoes. And owls.  Mini-sandwiches, I do not have often enough.  Open-mouth kissing.  I hate letting my car warm up.  Just be warm already, would you, car? I mean geez.  What is up with how many different ways people can see you?  I mean, some people in my life see me as, for lack of a better word, “really cool”, while an equally valid contingent see me as “kinda OK” and as just kinda a regular old guy.  A few people have me on amazingly high pedestals, while a few people actually hate me and think I’m a shit-head.  How is this possible? I suspect it is like this for most people.  I always enjoy clipping my toenails.  State flags are rad. Even more rad are county flags.  Salt and pepper on white rice.  The concept of the voodoo doll is neat, but thank goodness they’re not real. I mean, thank goodness!  I am continually annoyed by the very obvious way the sports media manipulates statistics to make things seem more dramatic, like we won’t notice (we don’t). Like, “Golden State has only beat the Lakers twice since 2009.”  First, 2009 wasn’t very long ago!  They always do this, say a year rather than “three years ago”, hoping you won’t do the math.  Secondly, why did we stop getting info at 2009?  The answer is almost always that the stat stops being impressive any further back. Maybe Golden State beat them four times in 2008 alone.  It’s bullshit manipulation.  You know, at first, I couldn’t understand paying money for my radio, but now I can’t foresee a future when I don’t have SiriusXM.  Sure, I can now get a lot of what I get there from Podcasts, but there is also a ton of live stuff that you can’t get any other way.  It is totally worth it.  I used to like frogs a lot but now I don’t give a shit about frogs.  My apologies to everyone who has bought me frog shit over the years.  The song “Relly’s Dream” by Band of Horses is what my life sounds like to me, while I’m asleep.  Pigeons eating seed on a sidewalk, lightning on the horizon while you’re driving at night, an ex-girlfriend walking past you without comment but still smelling the same as always, and the blood rushes, and the blood rushes.

2 Responses to “And the blood rushes”

  1. Kyle Sundgren Says:

    I saw this when you posted it. I meant to do one thing then check it out. Turns out that thing took me three days to do.

    I bet if you set out to purposely do this sort of post or tried to write a second it wouldn’t be as good. Of course this is probably where you’ll tell me this is exactly what you meant to do and you’ve been planning it for ages.

    I dig on stats like that. Even the example you gave, which may or may not even be true and it’s from a sport I don’t give a hoot about, I found interesting. True it is kinda bullshit, but all the same I fall into the prime audience they’re trying to impress with numbers like that.

    Salt and Pepper on rice sounds good. Why haven’t more people thought of that?!

  2. i am always ranting against those fake, manipulated stats. especially when they call them ‘records’. doing something at an unprecedented rate for one-seventh or three-sixteenths of a season in any sport is not a record.

    grr, that makes me so enraged, i can’t even type about it anymore. Hell is Sportscenter on repeat, and you can’t look away or stab out your eardrums.

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