Overcast on Top of Overcast

In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, the sky has been a constant rippling gray, for days now.  It’s not simply the flat, featureless gray of most overcasts; it is as if somebody laid down one layer of pure, solid gray, and then came after it and blotted on bushy, billowing slate cottonballs.  The sky has never looked so huge, while simultaneously enclosing us, pushing down, making clear that us humans are smaller than we’d even suspected before.







2 Responses to “Overcast on Top of Overcast”

  1. Did you see a lot of damage around where you live?

  2. It seemed like our skies would also never clear up, too. We finally started getting some clearer skies only about a week ago. I was so elated to finally see the blue in the day, and the stars at night, again…

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