My 67th Favorite Song of All-Time

My 67th favorite song of all time is:

“Last Exit” by Pearl Jam

Oddly, I didn’t really know I liked this song THIS MUCH until I was making this list and the song just refused to go away.  But it’s true:  literally countless times in my life, this song has pumped me up, made me dance in my car, or dance in my living room, or turn to the person next to me and say, “You know why this song is so good?  It’s dramatic.”  And that’s exactly true.  I have no idea what this song is really about.  Probably suicide, but there are convincing theories of all kinds.  But whatever it’s about, I know it makes me feel like I’m surrounded on all sides by a filthy kind of rock and roll, which is a good feeling.

2 Responses to “My 67th Favorite Song of All-Time”

  1. Kyle Sundgren Says:

    For all the time I’ve heard this song, which I also love and get pumped up by, I don’t think I know any of the real lyrics other than, “THIS IS THIS IS, THIS IS THIS IS, THIS IS THIS IS, MY!!! Last Exit.”. I have a scat version of the song that I instinctly sing along. “Lice a beemen chan. Look my eyes a gaaa!”.

    • sethdellinger Says:

      One of my more proud accomplishments is the ability to sing all of this song. But I had to work at it.

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