Vote for my new mousepad

So, it’s time for me to get a new mousepad, and I figured since I was having trouble deciding on one, I’d open a poll and let you folks decide for me.  Currently I have a kickass Jack Bauer mousepad that has served me well for a few years, but the bottom of it is becoming frayed and is annoying my wrist.  You can see the fray in this picture I just took of it:

So, here are the options for the replacement pad, with the poll at the bottom.  Thanks for voting!

A Pearl Jam mousepad themed after their "avocado album"---one of my favorite albums of theirs.


A super-funky Mr. T mousepad!

Super badass "LOST" mouse pad

11 Responses to “Vote for my new mousepad”

  1. Kyle Sundgren Says:

    Even if I wasn’t a Pearl Jam fan, that mouse pad is really cool looking!

    • sethdellinger Says:

      Yeah, it really is definitely the coolest looking, but I also think the LOST one is pretty cool looking too, and the T one will be the most entertaining…

  2. Jibba Jabba

  3. Mr. T!!!

  4. My vote is to break the boundry of the mouse pad and get a new wireless mousse that only requires you be on a non-see-through surface (like your desk or belly). You will be able to use it from across the room (trust me when I tell you that within 5 years this will be necessary for your entertainment purposes)
    Also, I have problems with the choices for the vote:

    The Pearl Jam one makes me remember that the work AVACADO is a native american (I believe Aztecs)word for testicle. Also, Sirius now has a “Pearl Jam Radio” that completes thier decent into sell outs

    The Mr. T is cute, but I could only deal with so much Jibba Jabba every day and the yellow is way to bright a color for a lot of the info you post while at your computer.

    If you must choose the Lost one, wait another year and get it for basically nothing on Ebay. The show is off the air now and its value is in great decent. Plus you will tire of it quickly

    • sethdellinger Says:

      Hmmmm…most of what you say is true except the very end about me tiring of the Lost one quickly. Hell, I’ve had a 24 one for like 4 years!

  5. billhanna Says:

    I pity the fool who disregards the first two ladies in his life.

  6. Lost, all the way. The other two things are still alive but Lost is dead and needs to be remembered!

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