An Armada of Underwater Robots

1.  A few hours ago, I was at a place called Chloe Pizza here in Carlisle.  I was there because, even though it seems to be your typical “strip mall” pizza shop (it’s the place by Giant supermarket) I have found it to have the best pizza in town.  So I was eating a coupla slices, watching CNN on the TV they have in there.  During a commercial break, some commerical comes on (I have no idea what it was for) and it started out with this line:  “What if taking a chance didn’t exist?”  I found this line so ridiculous and phony that I shouted “Oh my God!”.  Note:  I was far from the only person in the joint, but I was dining alone.  Can you say embarrassing?

2.  There’s certainly going to be a long blog about this in the near future, but I just want to put it out there that Pearl Jam is most likely not my favorite band anymore.  I know to some of you, this seems like no big deal, while others of you may find this news mortifying.  PJ was such a big part of how I defined myself for so many years.  What’s keeping me from making an official announcement is that I have no idea what replaces PJ as my favorite band;  I may no longer have just one favorite band.  Things just don’t seem that cut-and-dried to me anymore.  I still do and always will love Pearl Jam—big problem is, I don’t really listen to them much anymore.  I’ll update on this once I’ve got it all worked out.

3.  It’s official:  something’s wrong with my back.

4.  I just watched this.  You should too:

5.  As I was getting out of my car after I ate at Chloe Pizza, the NPR program I had been listening to (“Talk of the Nation”)—which I hadn’t really been paying attention to—must have been discussing something terribly interesting.  I heard this just before I turned this ignition off:

“—and the world’s largest armada of advanced underwater robots is on it’s way—”

I daren’t turn the ignition back on to hear the rest.

7 Responses to “An Armada of Underwater Robots”

  1. Kyle Sundgren Says:

    Haven’t watched the video yet. Will soon.

    I can understand the PJ declaration. You didn’t like ‘Backspacer’ all that much and I assume like me you haven’t listened to it in a while. I personally often forget that they had a new album only last year. It’s as if they’ve done nothing new since Avocado and I didn’t particularly like that one either. Their lack of new amazing music is a detriment for sure and while I don’t agree with you I can understand your sudden decline. Favorites come and go in waves. They’ll return to the throne in good time I’m sure of it.

    • sethdellinger Says:

      I don’t know dude. My tastes are straight-up changing, evolving away from the straightforward rock of Pearl Jam. I don’t know if PJ will ever be front and center for me again…frankly I’ve been lying about them being my #1 for quite some time. I mean really…I skipped last tour. Like I said, I still love them. They’re just not my favorite.

  2. Way to make an ass out of yourself in public. ;) I still love you!

  3. So does this mean that with #2 you are taking a chance and that if taking chances didn’t exist you would continue to lie to everyone about who your favorite band is? Or was it the fear of advanced underwater robots that got you to come clean?

  4. #1 – Yesterday I ran at the park with my Nike+iPod kit. At the end of your workout, someone comes over the headphones and congratulates you. Yesterday it was some British woman and she said something so hilarious (now I can’t remember it), that I shouted “That’s ridiculous!” I’m sure it was even louder, given that my music was still playing in my headphones, and there were about 10 women watching their kids playing. They all looked up.

    #2 – I’ve been wondering when you were gonna admit this.

    #3 – ‘Bout time. Join the club.

    #4 – No time, maybe later.

    #5 – Must. know. more.

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